Look at ME!!! I am 5 months old and I am writing my first blog. I am doing all kinds of fun things. Fussing is my speciality, but I am also trying to sit up on my own, eating some yucky cereal mom keeps pushing in my mouth (pictures to come of that), talking a lot, drooling, sucking on my hand (my all time favorite), laughing at my sissy and brother, especially when they jump around and move there heads all around, they think I am cracking up at them doing that but I actually am laughing because I know they will get a headache when they are done. :) My mommy always puts me in this onsie with a sticker on it to show you all how old I am, oh and she says it is for the scrapbook too. .JPG)
Looking at my silly mommy making noises.
Very cute! Time flies!