Paul and I went to Caden and Arlee's conference this week and they are both doing super great in school. I am very proud of them both. They were student-led conferences and so I was sittting with Caden and we were filling out a questioneer about him. I had to answer the questions about him and he had to answer the questions also about him. Well one of them was "who is your favorite person" Remember I am answering the question the way I think he would answer it. So of course I thought it was a no brainer, his g-ma. He is pretty tight with G-ma Lala and so I thought for sure it was her. Well he gets done and we are comparing the two to see how well I know him and guess who he put for his favorite person? ME!!!!!! Yes he wrote MOM next to it. I almost cried. I always feel like I am not giving enough to him or there enough for him but he obviously still thinks I am pretty cool. He has always been my little buddy and we have been very tight, but I was afraid it was going away a little bit but after this it showed me that it isn't and I need to continue to give him all i can to help him. A hug, a kiss (even though he would not like it) an encouraging word, a little cuddle time, anything I think he would love it. My sweet boy!!