BARBIES!!!! I Love my Barbies!! If you know me at all you know this. I collect them and still, at the age of 33 (not yet 34) I still get a Holiday Barbie EVERY year from my mom. And so of course this means that my girls will love them too. Well at least so far Arlee does and I will try my best to get Ava to love them just as much. Arlee asked me to come play with her and so Ava and I made out way downstairs to play Barbies.
Ava held her little Kelly doll, trying to put her in her mouth. Not really knowing what to do with her. She will soon learn.
Arlee loves to dress her Barbie and do her hair. What a true girl!!
Oh sweet Barbie holding her baby. What a gerat mother, oh but wait she is in a lounge chair. Where is my lounge chair. And hot pink non the less!!!
Later on I started to think about playing Barbies and when Arlee asks me to play I sometimes dread it. (yes that sounds horrible but don't tell me you haven't thought it too) I think why it is hard for me to play anymore is
1. I am no longer a little girl with a pretend world. Sad but true.
2. Everything we (me and my friends) use to pretend with our Barbies, we are now living. We wanted a husband and a kid and a dog and a house and beautiful clothes and so on and so on.
And I think I have that now. Maybe not the beautiful clothes but everything else. :) (oh you can't forget that cool bright pink car, I definetly don't have that, unless you call a cool red mini van one.)
3. I don't want to share with my 6 year old some of the stories we would make up.
4. All I do when I play is dress them. That will always remain a favorite.
5. It's hard to have a "Barbie Conversation" with a 6 year old.
But I still love my Barbies. Even if I don't "play" them very well, I will always love them and persuade my girls to love them too.