Thursday, December 31, 2009
3 Months Old and already have BLING!!!
Happy 3 Months to Ava!!! She is growing so much and is starting to have such a sweet personality. On her 3 Month old birthday I took her to get her ears pierced. I couldn't resist. Arlee got hers done at 3 months also and so of course my next girl had to too. :) She was not happy about it but she will never remember. :)
She has no idea what is coming her way!!
The first one is done
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ava's 1st Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
2 Months
Snow Day!
This is how Ava spent the snow day, in the van wher it was nice and warm!!

Arlee, Evan and Caden
We finally had a snow day and I had some happy kids. Caden was so excited but let me tell you it has been a week of ups and downs for him.
Mon--2 hours delay= a very MAD little boy
Tues.--SNOW DAY=a very HAPPY little boy
Wed.--2 hour delay=a very MAD little boy.
But at least he got to enjoy it for a day!!!!
We finally had a snow day and I had some happy kids. Caden was so excited but let me tell you it has been a week of ups and downs for him.
Mon--2 hours delay= a very MAD little boy
Tues.--SNOW DAY=a very HAPPY little boy
Wed.--2 hour delay=a very MAD little boy.
But at least he got to enjoy it for a day!!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Not good at this
Ok so I pretty much stink at blogging. I was going to "be Thankful" for 30 days and I wrote one blog. WOW!!!! How time flies when you have an infant. I have decided I sure don't get a whole lot done. But I guess they do require a lot of time. I will try harder. :)
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and we had a great day! We went to our friends The Platts and had a wonderful time. We ate and ate and ate and ate. Just like everyone else in this country did yesterday. I am very thankful for my friends. They are all so wonderful.
We then made a little trip to mom's house and saw the fam. I am thankful for all of them too. Especially my mom she helps me out a lot and I know she loves to see the kids and have her time with each one of them. It is great to watch how excited they get too when they know they are going to Grandmas. Caden is actually the one who really enjoys Grandma. While we were eating Thanksgiving dinner, he looked a little sad and so after we were done I asked him what was wrong. And at first he couldn't tell me but has I pushed a little bit more he told me "It is just weird that we aren't at Grandma's house." And he almost started crying. So I had to reassure him that we were going over there and he would see his grandma today. They are pretty tight. Always have been. It is really sweet.
Overall it was fabulous day and I am soooooo thankful for family, friends, freedom, love, and the Lord. He is with us and directing us in everything we do. Praise GOD!!!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and we had a great day! We went to our friends The Platts and had a wonderful time. We ate and ate and ate and ate. Just like everyone else in this country did yesterday. I am very thankful for my friends. They are all so wonderful.
We then made a little trip to mom's house and saw the fam. I am thankful for all of them too. Especially my mom she helps me out a lot and I know she loves to see the kids and have her time with each one of them. It is great to watch how excited they get too when they know they are going to Grandmas. Caden is actually the one who really enjoys Grandma. While we were eating Thanksgiving dinner, he looked a little sad and so after we were done I asked him what was wrong. And at first he couldn't tell me but has I pushed a little bit more he told me "It is just weird that we aren't at Grandma's house." And he almost started crying. So I had to reassure him that we were going over there and he would see his grandma today. They are pretty tight. Always have been. It is really sweet.
Overall it was fabulous day and I am soooooo thankful for family, friends, freedom, love, and the Lord. He is with us and directing us in everything we do. Praise GOD!!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
30 Days of Thanks
This is something I saw on a blog from a girl that use to be in our church in Ft. Collins. She was great and is soooo creative. I started following her blog and thought this was great. She got it from someone else but it good to pass these things on. I start, although I have started a few days late, I guess I will have to go into Dec.
I am Thankful for:
1. All the great ladies at my Thurs morning Bible Study. They are such a fresh breath of air.
2. The crying 5 week old downstairs. Although she is a fussy mess a lot lately I love her and am Thankful for her. She is a blessing and God gave her to me for a reason. She is sweet and precious.
3. Waffles for dinner. Breakfast items anytime are great.
4. My lovely bed. I seem to spend a whole lot of time there lately nursing my dear sweet baby. I spent a lot of time in it the 9 months before too so why not continue, although I am not sleeping as much as before.
5. Pictures. Arlee pulled out an old album and it reminded me of all the great times in Ft. Collins and when Caden was little. Time flies by.
6. my hubby. He works hard for us and does all he can to help out with the kids and house. I love him.
7. God loving me. Even when I doubt.
8. a relationship with God. He may make me walk through the wilderness but I know he won't ever leave me alone in the wilderness. he is guiding my every step.
9. the warm weather in Nov. ALthough I could use some more fall weather and not winter.
10. that I am going to reflect on being thankful. This doesn't happen enough.
I am Thankful for:
1. All the great ladies at my Thurs morning Bible Study. They are such a fresh breath of air.
2. The crying 5 week old downstairs. Although she is a fussy mess a lot lately I love her and am Thankful for her. She is a blessing and God gave her to me for a reason. She is sweet and precious.
3. Waffles for dinner. Breakfast items anytime are great.
4. My lovely bed. I seem to spend a whole lot of time there lately nursing my dear sweet baby. I spent a lot of time in it the 9 months before too so why not continue, although I am not sleeping as much as before.
5. Pictures. Arlee pulled out an old album and it reminded me of all the great times in Ft. Collins and when Caden was little. Time flies by.
6. my hubby. He works hard for us and does all he can to help out with the kids and house. I love him.
7. God loving me. Even when I doubt.
8. a relationship with God. He may make me walk through the wilderness but I know he won't ever leave me alone in the wilderness. he is guiding my every step.
9. the warm weather in Nov. ALthough I could use some more fall weather and not winter.
10. that I am going to reflect on being thankful. This doesn't happen enough.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Picture Time!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This makes me think of all those that don't. As some of you know my brother Mark and his wife Becky are in the process of adopting a baby boy from Africa. They are a few months away from actually going but the process is moving along.
I am very excited for this new change in our family. I really want to help them and have been thinking about how to do that for awhile. I want to hand over a thousand dollars and help financially, however, if you know our situation you will know that is not possible at the moment. (maybe someday) I want to do something. So....I have thought of a few different things by using my oh so many talents (just kidding, I dont' know if I have a ton)
1. make cards and sell them, all money goes to Mark and Becky
2. make cookies and sell them. Everyone seems to love my cookies, but who will buy them.
3. those are the only two ideas I have. :) Sad but true.
So what will I do? How will I help?
I am going to conitnue to pray about it.
But I do know that I am praying for them and the whole process and that is also helpful. I am so proud of them and I am so excited to get a cute new little nephew.
You can help too by praying or donating to them. Thanks!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
NO Rest!
Okay so my sweet little Ava is darling, but I have to admit I had a break down last night. I felt like I am an all-you-can-eat buffet and she NEVER gets full. Then I went to change her and she peed ALL over me, all over her clothes (her 3rd pair for the day), and all over the changing table. Can I just say that I am beyond happy I have a husband who loves me and who is willing to help. I called him and she took her and fed her a bottle and I went to bed. After of course crying and praying to God to help me. What a night!!!! But at least I have woke up feeling better this morning. But I am still not sure if Ava is getting enough to eat. She is a big fuss if she is not fat and full. You would think by the 3rd child you would have a clue, but when 6 years has passed, you don't still don't have a clue. :)
So, enough about that. I am off to Ava's 2 weeks checkup. Her stats will be posted later. Has she climbed back up to her birth weight? We will see!!!
So, enough about that. I am off to Ava's 2 weeks checkup. Her stats will be posted later. Has she climbed back up to her birth weight? We will see!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Introducing AVA GRACE!!
She has finally arrived. After 9 months our little surprise bundle has arrived.
Ava Grace Aragon
September 29, 2009
7 lbs. 0 oz.
19 3/4 inches
11:47 am
The announcement of our baby girl was Big, no a HUGE, surprise to everyone last February. And then the arrival was of her was a fast one. What does God have in store for this precious bundle?
I started having labor pains for weeks but Monday night they started pretty regular. By Tues. morning they were closer and I thought for sure it would take some time to have her, so we all went about out day. The kids off to school, Paul to work and me to run an errand and to volunteer at the school. By 9am I was in the parking lot of the school and contraactions were about 5 min. apart and I thought I better get home and to the hospital. I had to call my mother-in-law to take me because Paul was in Florence working. I called him and told him I was going in and he said he would be on his way. Bernice, my mother-in-law showed up and we headed to the hospital. We were there by 10:30 am and I was hurting really badly by the time they got me into a room. Contractions were coming faster and stronger. I kept asking for an epidural but things were going quickly. They were trying and they were trying to get a hold of my dr. too. I started at 4 cm dialated and by the time my dr. came in I was at a 6 and she was breaking my water. I got a 7 and then 8 and there was no stopping things.
WHERE WAS PAUL? Poor guy was on his way and hurrying as fast as he could. Tisha showed up and grabbed my hand and my mom was next to me too, trying to get Paul up here as fast as possible and Bernice was racing down the hall trying to get Paul too.
I screamed and yelled and pushed and had NO EPIDURAL. What is up with that? Of course this little one will test me for life. :) Tisha was a great coach and I couldn't have done it without her. By 11:47 am Ava was out and 5 minutes later Paul came in not knowing what to do, come to me or go to Ava. Very sweet, which girl does he attend to first?
We are very thankful for her and I love her to pieces. She is very sweet and so far a very good baby. I am so thankful for family and friends who were there and helped through it all. It was an amazing fast adventure, at least the birth was. :)
Caden and Arlee are soooooo in love with her. More on them will come because there has been some funny things said and I need to share them. But for now there is the beginning story of Ava's life and I know she is here to bless so many around her. God has given her to us for a special reason and I believe she is a true gift from God. Just like my other two. :)
She has finally arrived. After 9 months our little surprise bundle has arrived.
Ava Grace Aragon
September 29, 2009
7 lbs. 0 oz.
19 3/4 inches
11:47 am
The announcement of our baby girl was Big, no a HUGE, surprise to everyone last February. And then the arrival was of her was a fast one. What does God have in store for this precious bundle?
I started having labor pains for weeks but Monday night they started pretty regular. By Tues. morning they were closer and I thought for sure it would take some time to have her, so we all went about out day. The kids off to school, Paul to work and me to run an errand and to volunteer at the school. By 9am I was in the parking lot of the school and contraactions were about 5 min. apart and I thought I better get home and to the hospital. I had to call my mother-in-law to take me because Paul was in Florence working. I called him and told him I was going in and he said he would be on his way. Bernice, my mother-in-law showed up and we headed to the hospital. We were there by 10:30 am and I was hurting really badly by the time they got me into a room. Contractions were coming faster and stronger. I kept asking for an epidural but things were going quickly. They were trying and they were trying to get a hold of my dr. too. I started at 4 cm dialated and by the time my dr. came in I was at a 6 and she was breaking my water. I got a 7 and then 8 and there was no stopping things.
WHERE WAS PAUL? Poor guy was on his way and hurrying as fast as he could. Tisha showed up and grabbed my hand and my mom was next to me too, trying to get Paul up here as fast as possible and Bernice was racing down the hall trying to get Paul too.
I screamed and yelled and pushed and had NO EPIDURAL. What is up with that? Of course this little one will test me for life. :) Tisha was a great coach and I couldn't have done it without her. By 11:47 am Ava was out and 5 minutes later Paul came in not knowing what to do, come to me or go to Ava. Very sweet, which girl does he attend to first?
We are very thankful for her and I love her to pieces. She is very sweet and so far a very good baby. I am so thankful for family and friends who were there and helped through it all. It was an amazing fast adventure, at least the birth was. :)
Caden and Arlee are soooooo in love with her. More on them will come because there has been some funny things said and I need to share them. But for now there is the beginning story of Ava's life and I know she is here to bless so many around her. God has given her to us for a special reason and I believe she is a true gift from God. Just like my other two. :)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
50 Years!
Tonight Paul and I went to celebrate 50 years of marriage with a dear couple from our church. They had a very nice dinner for them and then a few pictures and speeches. It was so nice and also very encouraging. I don't think marriages last that long these days and for those that have lasted that long or on their way, WOW! I am praying that Paul and I will one day celebrate 50 years or be in heaven rejoicing because the Lord came back. When we hit 50 years of marriage:
Paul will be 77 years old
I will be 72 years old
Caden will be 48 years old
Arlee will be 45 years old
Baby will be 39 years old
Who knows where we will live. Who knows how many grandchildren I will have or great-grandchildren. Who knows what life may have brought us by this time. But I am praying that we are all serving the Lord and that my kids are close to eachother and share life with us.
Lamentations 3:22,23
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning, GREAT is your faithfulness.
Paul will be 77 years old
I will be 72 years old
Caden will be 48 years old
Arlee will be 45 years old
Baby will be 39 years old
Who knows where we will live. Who knows how many grandchildren I will have or great-grandchildren. Who knows what life may have brought us by this time. But I am praying that we are all serving the Lord and that my kids are close to eachother and share life with us.
Lamentations 3:22,23
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning, GREAT is your faithfulness.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Last night as Arlee went to bed she asked me if she could sleep with one of the baby's new blankets and I told her yes. Well she picked the best one. It is a furry brown and pink one with satin sides. It is like heaven. So she goes to sleep and I go check on her and this is what she looked like.
She then came home from school and she wanted to watch a movie and she grabbed the blanket again. Funny! I asked her if she was going to keep it or give it back and she told me she will give it back when the baby comes but right now she is going to use it. I laughed, we will see about that.
Baby's Room
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Can I just say that I have the best friends in the whole wide world? And the best family too. Today was a great day. I went to Caden's soccer game that almost put me into labor because it was so intense. Then I left and my wonderful sister-in-law picked me up and took me to get a pedicure. Something I have wanted ALL summer long but haven't had one. It was great and now I have blue toes. (I'll have to post a picture later) They are perfect for delivery and I like looking at them now. Before my toes and feet were pretty nasty.
Then we went to Applebee's and had some yummy lunch and a Blondie Brownie Sundae. YUM!!!!
I then got driven to Maurice's to only turn around and head home. A little trick to waste time. I had a "surprise" shower waiting for me. I knew this but not really, at least I didn't have a clue where. Well it was at MY HOUSE! What a fun idea. I showed up and there were a ton of cars at my house. My friends threw the best shower ever. Thank you Kris, Tisha, Melissa, Dawna, and Becky. One of the big surprises of the day was the baby's room. They took me to it and oh my gosh it was beautiful. We had already painted it Pink and Brown and it just needed everything else. Well it got it and much, much more. The bedding was in the crib and there were pictures on the walls, and even roses on the dresser. It looked like a Parade of Homes Nursery. Ya know one that you would see only in the Parade of Homes. Once again I will post pictures soon. It is beautiful.
I then had some food, and cake and of course mine and Arlee's favorite part of any party---PRESENTS!!!!! Paul and I are very blessed by so many people and honestly don't know how we could through life without some the great blessings God has given us. Today being one of them. Friend and Family from everywhere have blessed us very much. My baby won't be lacking anything, and I know she definitely won't be lacking any love. She is a blessing and I know that God has given her to us for a very special reason and time as this. I pray that she blesses so many around us too.
Okay so moving on......I have babbled and babbled not even sure if anything above makes sense, so I am off to bed, because that is really where I should be but I kept thinking about how I wanted to get up and blog. :) So off to bed and praying the baby will come soon, we are ready for her now.
Then we went to Applebee's and had some yummy lunch and a Blondie Brownie Sundae. YUM!!!!
I then got driven to Maurice's to only turn around and head home. A little trick to waste time. I had a "surprise" shower waiting for me. I knew this but not really, at least I didn't have a clue where. Well it was at MY HOUSE! What a fun idea. I showed up and there were a ton of cars at my house. My friends threw the best shower ever. Thank you Kris, Tisha, Melissa, Dawna, and Becky. One of the big surprises of the day was the baby's room. They took me to it and oh my gosh it was beautiful. We had already painted it Pink and Brown and it just needed everything else. Well it got it and much, much more. The bedding was in the crib and there were pictures on the walls, and even roses on the dresser. It looked like a Parade of Homes Nursery. Ya know one that you would see only in the Parade of Homes. Once again I will post pictures soon. It is beautiful.
I then had some food, and cake and of course mine and Arlee's favorite part of any party---PRESENTS!!!!! Paul and I are very blessed by so many people and honestly don't know how we could through life without some the great blessings God has given us. Today being one of them. Friend and Family from everywhere have blessed us very much. My baby won't be lacking anything, and I know she definitely won't be lacking any love. She is a blessing and I know that God has given her to us for a very special reason and time as this. I pray that she blesses so many around us too.
Okay so moving on......I have babbled and babbled not even sure if anything above makes sense, so I am off to bed, because that is really where I should be but I kept thinking about how I wanted to get up and blog. :) So off to bed and praying the baby will come soon, we are ready for her now.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
How Sweet!!
Arlee and I were getting ready to go to "Back To School" night and I look in the baby's room and see Paul sitting in the rocker. I giggle, and he says "just getting ready and taking the position." I thought it was sweet that he would be thinking that way and ready for our new little one. He said "it is almost baby time." And yes it is. I think he is excited to have another little one around. Arlee has stopped giving loves to either one of us, on a rare occasion she will but when asked she gives us the blow off. I think that can break a daddy's heart a little bit. He has always been pretty tight with her, and not that he isn't anymore, but she is just getting bigger and doesn't always want a "daddy squeeze". Hopefully it comes back in the future because I know I still like to get "daddy squeezes."
Monday, September 7, 2009
Apple Picking
On Saturday we went Apple Picking. It was so much fun and a nice little family outing. We went with my good friend Kris and her kids. They all had a blast.
When I get my apples every year it means to me that Fall has arrived. We had never picked apples, I usually just buy them at the Farmer's Market or I go to Penrose and buy them from a little place off the side of the road. But I thought this would be more fun this year, and I was right. We got HUGE apples and they have made great pies. The kids had fun and wanted to pick more but I didn't want to buy all the ones they wanted to pick.
Our Little Family!
Paul and Caden walking our apples to the store to pay!
"Is this a good one Mom?" That was a common question the whole time.
My cute boy!!
Look at all of them I picked!
I enjoy this time of year soooooo much and love the smell of cinnamon and apples in my house. Today I have peeled and cored 36 pounds of apples. I am drying some of them and then I made 8 apple pies to freeze for a treat throughout the year. It was a lot of work but boy will we enjoy a fresh apple pie in January or even next summer.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Guess what my boy can do? He can run a mile and half in about 13 minutes. I was pretty darn impressed with him. Soccer started and coach is making them run ALOT because they will be playing older boys. Good for them, but gee they are out of shape. I also think he is doing it because there is one boy on the team who beats everyone when they run, and even laps some. So knowing my competitive son, (where he gets that I don't know), he probably wants to try and beat him. :) hee hee. Silly boy! At least he is doing it and all on his own initiative.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
How Far Along Are You?
This seems to be a VERY popular question these days. So.....I am 33 weeks and counting............
Today I was at the grocery store and this lady asks me "When is your baby due?" I say "Oct." She says "And your carrying a girl?" I looked at her and said "Yes I am how did you know." She said "I'm a retired nurse." Amazing to me that she could tell by looking at me what I was having. But I have had a couple other nurses tell me the same thing. So how do they know? Do they just see a million pregnant women and figure it out by the way we carry? Or do they just get a lucky guess? Either way I think it is very interesting.
I go to the Dr. tomorrow for my two week check-up that had to be rescheduled because the Dr. had an emergency. I was all ready to ask some questions and now I can't remember any of them. Hopefully over night I will come up with some new ones. I do know one of them will be "How early will you induce me if she doesn't come?" Hee hee. I doubt if she will but I am ready to have this baby. I really think she is coming early anyway, but just incase.
Well off to be a mean mom and make my kids go to bed, although they don't have school tomorrow, I still think they should be in bed SOON!!!!!!!
Today I was at the grocery store and this lady asks me "When is your baby due?" I say "Oct." She says "And your carrying a girl?" I looked at her and said "Yes I am how did you know." She said "I'm a retired nurse." Amazing to me that she could tell by looking at me what I was having. But I have had a couple other nurses tell me the same thing. So how do they know? Do they just see a million pregnant women and figure it out by the way we carry? Or do they just get a lucky guess? Either way I think it is very interesting.
I go to the Dr. tomorrow for my two week check-up that had to be rescheduled because the Dr. had an emergency. I was all ready to ask some questions and now I can't remember any of them. Hopefully over night I will come up with some new ones. I do know one of them will be "How early will you induce me if she doesn't come?" Hee hee. I doubt if she will but I am ready to have this baby. I really think she is coming early anyway, but just incase.
Well off to be a mean mom and make my kids go to bed, although they don't have school tomorrow, I still think they should be in bed SOON!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Time Flies
Time Flies by. This week I have watched my baby girl go to Kindergarten and my baby boy go to 4th grade. It seems like yesterday that they were born. I really thought that I would be a mess with Arlee going off to school, but I handled it pretty well. I watched her get on the bus, I met her at the school to take her to her class, Paul and I dropped her off in her class, AND then the teacher hands us an orange cardstock with a poem. Oh yeah, a sappy "I am going to Kindergarten, I will take care of your baby" Poem. I cried!!!! But just a little! Needless to say Arlee loves it and it is fun to watch her come out of school with a smile on her face. On Friday she was bouncing off the walls because "We got to have 2 pupcakes today and I am hyper." Oh Boy, good thing she went with Nana rest of the day.
I am sure time will continue to fly by as it always does. Right now I am hoping so because I REALLY want this baby to come out, then it can slow down, if that is possible.
I am sure time will continue to fly by as it always does. Right now I am hoping so because I REALLY want this baby to come out, then it can slow down, if that is possible.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
17 weeks and counting!
It is Tuesday and I am ready for bed. The kids are down and I am not far behind.
I have felt the baby move a lot the last week. I first felt it last Wednesday on the way to work in the car. It was a little flutter and I am sure it was not gas. :) And then I have felt it a lot since. Just little flutters here and there or little kicks. I think it may have had the hickups tonight, if that is possible at 17 weeks. Only 3 more weeks and I will know what is in there, a boy or a girl! I will try and take some pictures this week and post them on here, I don't really want them posted all over Facebook. No one really needs to see the fat belly but I know some of you would LOVE to see it.
Paul is gone this week, so pray for me. He is working in Denver painting a house. It is good for him but hard on us. We aren't use to him being gone. But at least it is only a week and not months, I am not sure I would be a good military wife. I truly admire those in the military and all the wives that "do it alone" with kids. They are amazing.
I have felt the baby move a lot the last week. I first felt it last Wednesday on the way to work in the car. It was a little flutter and I am sure it was not gas. :) And then I have felt it a lot since. Just little flutters here and there or little kicks. I think it may have had the hickups tonight, if that is possible at 17 weeks. Only 3 more weeks and I will know what is in there, a boy or a girl! I will try and take some pictures this week and post them on here, I don't really want them posted all over Facebook. No one really needs to see the fat belly but I know some of you would LOVE to see it.
Paul is gone this week, so pray for me. He is working in Denver painting a house. It is good for him but hard on us. We aren't use to him being gone. But at least it is only a week and not months, I am not sure I would be a good military wife. I truly admire those in the military and all the wives that "do it alone" with kids. They are amazing.
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